Name: Vihan Kumar

Computer science: 92/100

Name: Abhishek Ghosh

Computer science: 95/100

Name: Suhana Makhija

Computer science: 95/100

Name: Nandana Pravin

Computer science: 95/100

Name: Karm Viradiya

Computer science: 97/100

Name: Neshk Patel

Computer science: 91/100

Name: Ashish Sharma

Computer science: 91/100

Results of ICSE 2023-24

Name: Sachit Yadav

Computer science: 100/100
( Kharghar's Topper)

Name: Aarush Kulkarni

Computer science: 91/100

Name: Soham Suvarna

Computer science: 93/100

Standards Achieved by Students

Discover the high standards reached by our students in each class they take.

Results Displayed Clearly

See the clear and impressive results showcased for each class on our page.

Class Performance Highlights

More than 80% of students have scored 90 and above in CS.
More than 95% of students have scored >>>85 in computer Science.